financial planning

Guide en ligne de planification et d’analyse financières

Precise financial planning is an integral part of every business's success. It also takes a substantial amount of time and energy from the business's financial department, especially if the business is dealing with a volatile market. To meet…
P&l budget estimate comparison variance report

Meilleures pratiques pour la planification et l’analyse de scénarios financiers

What is Financial Multi-Scenario Planning? With multi-scenario Planning, companies are able to analyze several potential business outcomes and forecast what overall performance would look like with each of these models. What would happen to…
Example of an automated statistical forecast

Comment créer un plan de demande réussi

At the core of every business strategy for products and services is to provide optimal management of the supply chain. A leak or inefficiency in the supply chain eats away at the organization's bottom line. Supply chains are becoming more complex…
Workforce Planning

Les KPI personnels feront-ils partie de la planification stratégique des effectifs?

One of the most significant changes to businesses during COVID-19 has been  the large-scale work-from-home policies that almost all companies implemented. While some businesses may have partially or fully practiced this for a few years already,…
Solver-Overview (1)

Renforcer Dynamics 365 Business Central avec une budgétisation, des rapports et des consolidations avancés

This article explores the popular Dynamics 365 Business Central cloud ERP system and how you can achieve advanced reporting and budgeting. After Microsoft’s highly anticipated release of Dynamics 365 Business Central (D365 BC) a few years…
Breakback Driver based top-down forecast

Ce dont vous avez besoin pour rationaliser votre processus budgétaire et prévisionnel

Edgar R. Fiedler was an American economist who served as Assistant Secretary to the Treasury between the years 1971-75. Edgar published a series of essays during the late 70’s and early 80’s once pithily stating “If you have to forecast,…
Une nouvelle ère pour le directeur financier avec des tableaux de bord intégrés et des rapports financiers dans le Cloud Cet article se concentre sur le meilleur des deux mondes: une solution de reporting hautement professionnelle et un…
Solver-Overview (1)
Turn your data into a strategic, competitive advantage Running a business is not an easy task. If you want to succeed in your business, it is essential that you spend your time and money not only using the best tools to manage your business,…